It's fine for you to wear tights. Once you have a bump, you may prefer to shop for maternity tights instead of ordinary ones.
It's probably worth investing in a decent brand. Good maternity tights have shaped panels that cradle your bump and support it as it grows. Look out for tights with a high blend of cotton, or a cotton gusset.
Most tights are made from synthetic fabrics, which can make you sweat more.Thrush thrives in warm, moist conditions, so wearing tights can make you more likely to develop thrush. If you're prone to thrush, try not to wear tights every day.
Leggings made from natural fibres such as cotton, bamboo or hemp may feel more comfortable than tights, especially in the summer.
Another alternative to tights is hold-up stockings. The trouble with hold-ups is that they can irritate varicose veins, which are a common pregnancy niggle.
This is where maternity tights may actually come in handy. Support tights can ease the discomfort and swelling of varicose veins. If your veins are particularly troubling, your midwife or doctor may prescribe maternity compression tights, which offer extra support.
If you find that over-the-bump tights make your bump feel itchy, you could try hipster maternity tights. Or, for a quick, cheap fix, wear ordinary tights and snip the waistband with scissors.